Milkquota news from Ireland

melk en melkdruppelsIrish milk production is already seven per cent over quota! The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney TD, has said that the total volume of milk supplies up to the end of September 2014, taking into account the relevant butterfat adjustment, leave Ireland 6.93 per cent over-quota.

Big overrun

This is an increase on the end of August figure of 6.44 per cent and is significantly above the 0.42 per cent over-quota position of this time last year. Referring to the overrun, the Minister commented: “I am aware of the factors, such as the good prices, the good weather and increased cow numbers that have facilitated milk production this year, but it remains critically important that individual farmers take account of their milk quotas in managing their enterprises, in this final year of quotas. Milk producers who are in an over quota position should consult with their dairy advisors and examine ways in which any potential super levy bill can be mitigated”.

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